We all adore those handy-dandy Facebook applications. Well, who doesn’t? In fact, most of them are so addictive that we tend to spend most of our time doodling on them all. But what happens when you feel like you’re bored of your old dusty apps and have finally decided to stop your addiction?
Step 1: log in to your facebook account and go to that “top right” corner of your fb screen. See that ‘Account’ tab? Well, that’s where you need to go next. Click on it and go to ‘Privacy Settings’.
Step 2: so now that you’re on your ‘Privacy Settings’ – you must scroll ‘a bit’ down and locate that ‘Apps and Websites’ option. Tip: It’s on your lower left beside the ‘Block Lists’ option.
Step 3: on the ‘Apps and Websites’ – select ‘Edit Your Settings’. Then, find that phase that states ‘Apps you use’. Again, click on its ‘Edit Settings’ then select the app that you want to remove. Once you have selected the app, click on that ‘x’ button for the app to be removed.
And that’s it! You have successfully learned how to remove facebook apps. Got any questions? Feel free to drop a post.
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