
Facebook Addiction: The Five Signs of Being a Facebook Addict

Have you ever heard been diagnosed of having a Facebook Addiction Disorder? If not, then you may want to reconsider. For you could be one of those who have recently been discovered to be contagious!

But wait, you can still prevent the spread of that deadly FB virus. That’s if you know how to detect the signs of the said disorder of which, in this post, has already been provided for you.

The Five Signs of Facebook Addiction:

Sign No.1 – You can’t last a week without checking your Facebook.

Sign No.2 – You log-in to your Facebook account for more than 2 hours a day.

Sign No.3 – You sneak on your work hours just to check your Facebook.

Sign No.4 – You stay up late at night just to check on your friend’s updated status.

Sign No.5 – You skip meals (or eat on desk) just to be on Facebook.

Thus, if you think that you have at least 3 of the signs above, then there’s no doubt that you’re truly addicted to facebook. 

But there’s no need to panic because you can still decide to withdraw yourself from the said obsession. But that will only happen once you get to be so determined to limit your Facebook use.

Still not sure? Then, you can take this test from


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